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Popular food in Darjeeling

Popular food in Darjeeling

4 June 2024

9 Most Popular Food of Darjeeling You Must Try


Darjeeling is a popular destination for a weekend trip. Apart from its scenic landscape, pleasant climate, and beautiful attractions, Darjeeling also boasts a vibrant food scene just like the rest of West Bengal. 


Darjeeling food is greatly influenced by Chinese, Tibetan, and Nepalese flavors. Many popular restaurants and street food stalls in Darjeeling offer both Indian and international dishes as well. Whether you’re a foodie or just want to explore something new, Darjeeling has a variety of dishes that will tantalize your taste buds. Let's explore some of the best food in Darjeeling that you must try during your visit.



Here’s the list of popular food in Darjeeling you must try on your visit.

1. Famous Food of Darjeeling│Vegetarian

1.1. Momos

1.2 Aloo Dum

1.3 Sel Roti

2. Famous Food of Darjeeling│Non-Vegetarian

2.1 Tibetan Thukpa

2.2 Sekuwa

2.3 Shaphalay

3. Famous Food of Darjeeling│Desserts and Beverages

3.1 Darjeeling Tea

3.2 Tingmo

3.3 Phing

Looking Forward to Taste the Best Food in Darjeeling?



1.1. Momos


Momos are a popular street food in Darjeeling. These steamed dumplings come in diverse varieties that will amaze you. Whether filled with meat or different vegetables, every variety is a delicacy leaving a memorable taste. 


You can even find chocolate-filled momos for a unique treat. Try these hot delicacies with a spicy tomato-based sauce for an unforgettable experience.


1.2 Aloo Dum


If you are looking for the best vegetarian food in Darjeeling, Aloo Dum should be on top of your list. This spicy potato curry is a favorite among locals. It’s made with boiled potatoes dipped in a thick gravy prepared with a blend of spices. 


This Nepalese-origin dish has a rich, tangy flavor that pairs perfectly with sel roti, puri, or steamed rice.


1.3 Sel Roti


Sel Roti is a traditional Nepalese bread that is popular in Darjeeling. This ring-shaped rice bread is slightly sweet and is one of the favorite festive foods in the area. It has a bit of similarity to doughnuts. 


To prepare this Darjeeling food, rice paste is shaped into rings and then deep-fried. The result is a snack that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, making it a delicious treat.



2.1 Tibetan Thukpa


Tibetan Thukpa is an incredibly popular food in Darjeeling. It is basically noodles dipped in a soup, and the soup can be either vegetarian or non-vegetarian. The non-vegetarian version is quite popular among locals. 


Made with fresh vegetables, meat, and noodles in a savory broth, this dish is a must-try in the beautiful landscape of Darjeeling for a heartwarming experience.


2.2 Sekuwa


Sekuwa is a traditional Nepalese dish made with grilled meat, typically pork or chicken, barbecued with a blend of spices and herbs. It’s smoky, juicy, and packed with flavor. 

Just a bit of it will make your evening delicious. You can savor Sekuwa with chutney or roti. It is a must-try non-vegetarian food in Darjeeling.


2.3 Shaphalay


Shaphalay is another popular Tibetan dish you can try in Darjeeling. This circular or semi-circular-shaped delicacy is prepared using bread stuffed with seasoned minced meat and cabbage. It’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. 


Not only does Shaphaley look lovely, but it also tastes out of this world. Try it with sauce or chutney. It's a popular street food in Darjeeling and perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.


ALSO READ: Best hotels in Darjeeling



3.1 Darjeeling Tea


No list of things to do in Darjeeling is complete without trying the world-famous Darjeeling tea. The region's tea gardens produce some of the finest teas, known for their unique flavor and aroma. Darjeeling tea is available in a wide range of varieties. Depending on the season and harvest time, you can enjoy the first, second, monsoon, or autumn flush. The second flush tea is the most popular one. 


You can also find black, white, green, and oolong teas, each boasting unique flavors and aromas. Enjoy a cup of Darjeeling tea while soaking in the scenic beauty around you. You can even buy some to bring back home as a souvenir to reminisce the flavor and to gift to your near and dear ones.


3.2 Tingmo


Tingmo is a steamed Tibetan bun known for its soft and fluffy texture. Its smooth texture and slight sweetness make it a perfect snack and a must-try sweet dish in Darjeeling.


Made from white flour and starch with a hint of sugar, Tingmo tastes more delicious when paired with butter or jam. Enjoy it with a hot cup of tea for a quick bite while exploring attractions in Darjeeling.


3.3 Phing


If you are making a trip to Kalimpong, you should definitely try these classic glass noodles. Although traditional Phing is made using moong dal starch, you can also find versions where noodles are made with potato, sweet potato, or canna starch. 


It's a unique and delicious treat that you won't find everywhere. Many popular restaurants in Darjeeling serve these transparent noodles as a side dish or salad. Its sweet and slightly chewy texture makes it an awesome dessert after any meal.


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Looking Forward to Taste the Best Food in Darjeeling?


The journey to Darjeeling will not only take you through amazing landscapes, pleasant weather, and hilly terrains but also leave you with unforgettable food experiences. Whether you want to try local traditional cuisine or stick with international dishes, you'll find it all in Darjeeling. 


Every Darjeeling food blends smoothly with its beautiful culture and climate and can suit any mood. Sip Darjeeling tea after a tiring day to feel refreshed. Grab a quick bite of sel roti while on your adventure. Enjoy thukpa for lunch with your loved ones. Or savor different flavors of momos while exploring the streets of Darjeeling markets.


Craving to taste the food of Darjeeling? Book your Darjeeling tour package today and set off on a journey that will leave you wanting more. 

If you find it hard to plan a vacation, don't worry. We, at Holidays Crowd, are here to help. Just contact us, and we will design a well-planned itinerary for you. Our packages include sightseeing, accommodations, activities, and more. So, save your dates and pack your bags without worrying about anything else.

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